onsdag 16. januar 2008

Artikkel om VIKO i tidsskriftet Infotrend

NTNU ønsker å gi alle studenter samme mulighet for å studere, og har en rolle som nasjonal pådriver i forhold til tilrettelegging for studenter med funksjonsnedsettelse. Et bidrag fra UBiT sin side er å gjøre VIKO tilgjengelig for blinde og svaksynte studenter. Les mer i VIKO –an e-learning tool for information literacy support to all students av Sigvor Kvale og Karen Johanne Buset. Infotrend 62(2007) nr 3, side 92-96.

Sammendrag [en] :
This article describes how an e-learning tool for information literacy can support student learning, and focuses on how to make the program accessible for all students. VIKO is an interactive e-learning tool based on information literacy; it is divided into seven modules and provides a complete course with interactive tests. VIKO was released in 2004, and is successfully implemented in the NTNU (The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim) system. VIKO version 2 will implement the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines from WAI, to provide equal access and equal opportunity for students with disabilities. This article is based on a paper presented at the conference “The Human side of IT” -The 13th Nordic Conference on Information and Documentation, Stockholm University, 2007, arranged by SFIS, The Swedish Association for Information Specialists.

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